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Member company

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Benefits of the member companyⅡ


We support various activities for the efficient maintenance of membership companies.

Support for regular self-assessment audits

Our association introduces a verification and review system throughout the entire process from preparation of necessary data for regular self-assessment review, which are required once a year, to the validation, submission, and systematic management of the whole procedure.

Support for AEO renewal

To facilitate the renewal of AEOs (five-year cycle), qualified AEO experts will support and systematically manage the process at each stage, from data preparation to submission and review response.

Annual Plan Service

We provide preliminary guidance services for each major follow-up schedule so that designated AEO experts (experienced in AEO validation and training) can establish an annual schedule for AEO follow-up and proceed with work at an appropriate time.

Authorized standard Guide Map

We provide AEO follow-up data review, AEO Authorized follow-up data, AEO-related training, and evaluation support to manage data suitable for the latest trends, and suggest follow-up directions optimized for meeting AEO security criteria.

Provision of follow-up management information

To conveniently use the information necessary for AEO follow-up management activities, we will provide you with a variety of information such as related guides, latest customs news, legal information, and training materials.

Support for education expenses

We provide education expenses for various curricula organized by the association, including required training for managers of AEO companies, as well as training for improving AEO job competency.